Friday, September 14, 2018


I meant to write about the sociopathy of *president the other day, but current events drove it out of my mind.   However, in the wake of the Hurricane Maria controversy it bears a revisit.  It seems a scientific study in the wake of storm which devastated Puerto Rico a little over a year ago shows that up to 3,000 residents died before their time due to conditions related to the storm and the bungled government response.  tRump and his media apologists; Rush Limbaugh et. al. can't bring themselves to believe that someone who died of unnatural causes due to power outages several weeks after the storm was actually killed by said storm.  This is not even the point.  The president is supposed to be the empathizer in chief.  As the mayor of San Juan noted, all he had to do was apologize and feel some of the island residents' pain.  Instead, he dismissed the deaths of 3000 people as a Democratic Party plot to smear him.  As with any sociopath, he is incapable of the simple human trait of being able to identify with fellow humans.   As one pundit put it, "The worst human being in the country is still president".

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