Friday, September 28, 2018

Choosing sides

The theatrics are over.  It's time to put up or shut up.   After seeing a terrified but calm Christine Blasey Ford make a credible sexual assault case against Bret Kavanaugh and the latter going over the top and in typical right wingnut style projecting republican tactics on democrats by accusing them of a conspiracy against his nomination it will be up to a handful of senators to decide if this nomination will go forward.   That a partisan hack republican, who has spent his entire career currying favor with the worst elements of the GOP should be rewarded with a lifetime sinecure on the SCOTUS, especially after what Dr. Ford testified to is almost beyond belief.   One thing his confirmation will do is ignite a firestorm in the midterm elections which will almost certainly sweep republicans out of the house and senate.  I don't believe they realize the latent energy they are liberating among women and minorities.  I see it in the expressions of dismay from the Divine Mrs. M.  She doesn't think her feelings are general, but I disagree.  After seeing Dr. Ford's dismissal by republicans on the judiciary committee, millions of survivors of sexual assault and harassment will make their feelings known in November.  I have a feeling the GOP will regret their participation in this farce for a long time to come.   I'm sure President Gillibrand's nominees for the court will help with the reckoning.

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