Friday, September 21, 2018

Soap Operas

As usual in the tRump era, truth is always stranger than fiction.  The Kavanaugh saga continues to roil the national conversation.  Now an obscure but highly placed apparatchik who worked for the late unlamented Antonin Scalia and is a friend of the SCOTUS nominee is now suggesting in tweets that while Christine Blasey Ford may have been assaulted, it was by a Kavanaugh look a like.  He even names the poor schmo.  Unless he has some ironclad proof, Mr. Whalen has just opened himself to a libel suit.  Meanwhile, Dr. Ford now seems to have public opinion on her side as the Senate Judiciary committee majority twists in the wind, grasping at straws to explain why they need to confirm this serial liar and partisan hack to the high court as soon as possible.  Personally, I think this is a tale of 12 (including Kavanaugh) entitled white men who believe they can run roughshod over norms and procedures because they can and have always been able to.   #me too may have finally shown them that in the 21st century white male privilege, while durable may be dented by those with the courage to take them on and the issue to do it with.

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