Wednesday, September 5, 2018


"Fear", the new Bob Woodward book about the tRump *presidency is out and naturally, the left wing media is all over it.   It turns out Woodward mostly corroborates Michael Wolff's and Omarosa's tell all books about a White House in turmoil trying to restrain a chief executive most of his staff calls an idiot behind his back.   Woodward puts a sheen of respectability on these hot takes and despite denials from an obviously embarrassed staff, this latest reportage pretty much puts to rest any claims The Donald may make concerning his performance in office.  Being compared unfavorably to a fifth or sixth grader is probably an insult to 10 and 11 year olds.  The scary thing is this dolt inherited a good economy and decent relations with most countries and so far has done his best to screw the pooch.   The one crisis which could have benefitted from executive branch management, Hurricane Maria and it's devastation of Puerto Rico, was bungled from the get go and pretty much proves that tRump is very much not ready for prime time.  We can only hope we get through the next two years without anything else going wrong.

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