Monday, September 10, 2018


It's that time of the season.  The leaves are turning colors, the summer vegetables are starting to wane, the Yankees are competing for the pennant and the Giants look like they want another high draft pick again this year.  Despite knowing better, I made one last planting of spinach on Saturday.  Hopefully it gets big enough to winter over and provide an early spring green.  The weather was dry over the weekend, but rain is promised later today through tonight so the fall veggies should get a boost.   Although the temps were in the low to mid 40s the past couple of nights, warmer weather is in the forecast, so even the late August plantings of spinach should mature in time for the farmers' market ends on Columbus Day weekend.   Asked about the gardening season by friends at the Battle of Plattsburgh festivities I said it was mostly positive, although on the dry side.  As with all things related to farming and gardening things could always be better! 

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