Thursday, September 20, 2018

Our robot overlords

Two stories I read/listened to this morning inspired this post.   On North Country Public Radio this morning, the political correspondent, Bryan Mann, was reporting difficulty in reaching our insular congressional representative, Elise Stefanik.  She has not responded to several requests for an interview.  This does not surprise me as Stefanik is about as likable and articulate as a fence post.  It seems her reps spend time on facebook and social media and shun all but a few sympathetic reporters and legacy media outlets.  A short time later I read a post by Kevin Drum on Mother Jones, reporting on the latest iteration of Aibo, the Sony mechanical dog.  It seems this model is able to charm humans much like a flesh and blood canine is able to.  It occurs to me now that Stefanik may not be a real human at all, but a Sony robot programmed to lead us.  However, they left out the charm and humanity they programmed into the dog.  Perhaps a cute little tail would help our congresscritter  turn on the charm!

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