Thursday, September 13, 2018

This and that

Driven out of the headlines by Hurricane Florence, the Kavanaugh nomination to the Supreme Court churns ahead.  It seems unless the dems can prove the Judge was an ax murderer in the not too distant past the GOP has the votes to ensconce him on the high court for the next several decades.  I wouldn't bet the farm on Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski siding with the pro choice arguments against Kavanaugh.  McConnell better hurry up with this nomination and many others, since it is looking more and more like the Blue Tsunami may flip the Senate this November.  Lyin Ted Cruz is in a flop sweat in Texas as Beto O'Rourke prepares to eat his lunch.  If the dems can win in Texas, albeit against a pathetic candidate, it should make Dean Heller in Nevada start looking to break the lease on his D.C. digs.  The weather remains moderate in the North Country and the last planting of beans is ready to pick.  Spinach is growing strongly and the last lettuce planting will beat the first frost.  It's my favorite time of year!

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