Tuesday, September 11, 2018

The only thing tRump has to fear

Just kidding.  The Donald has lots of things to fear; flipping associates, the Russia investigation, money laundering charges, etc.  But the immediate threat to his popularity is the devastating investigation of the White House by Bob Woodward.  The reporter of Watergate fame is out there plugging his book on every media platform and is calling for America to wake up to the threat represented by Cheeto Jesus and the out of control executive branch.  The excerpts which have been published so far show an executive branch in panic mode.   Coupled with the anonymous op-ed in the NYT last week, it's a one-two punch which would probably lead to the resignation of anyone more self aware than the present occupant of the Oval Office.  One thing you can say about the *president;  he has elevated farce to an art form few could match.  Inspector Clouseau  would doff his cap in homage.

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