Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Newly normal

1 in 1000 year flooding rains on a yearly basis seem to be the new normal in the wake (literally) of Hurricane Florence's march through the Carolinas and into the Northeast.  Harvey had a similar effect on the flood plain around Houston last year.  Throw in Maria's effect on Puerto Rico and Irma on the West Indies and the picture becomes clearer.  Warmer oceans mean more energy for huge storms that will wreak havoc on coastal areas.  It is only a matter of time before insurance companies will look at the forecast for continued climate change and either jack up insurance premiums to the point where most people cannot afford them or else discontinue offering policies in coastal areas.  At that point, the government becomes the insurer of last resort and national bankruptcy follows.   People need to make their votes match the urgency of the situation and elect representatives who take the threat of anthropomorphic climate change seriously and are prepared to move toward a carbonless economy in the not too distant future.

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