Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Full speed ahead

The husband and father in me is horrified by Christine Blasey Ford's description of attempted rape by a couple of entitled prep school a**holes, one of which was the GOP's putative SCOTUS nominee, Brett Kavanaugh.  I'm sure the woman's father would have some choice word's to describe his daughter's alleged attacker.   A very high percentage of women have endured sexual harassment and assault during their lifetime's, but not many come forward because of the inevitability of their being labeled sluts or worse.  This type of behavior has been going on since the dawn of time, but as the sexes approach equality and more fathers of daughters treat them as equals, the less tolerance there is  for the "good ole boys" treatment of an alleged sexual assaulter.  The republicans may ram Kavanaugh through to the Supreme Court, but they may pay more of a price than they think.

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