Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Yesterday's Trump B.S.

I think I will blog under the above tag when moved by the level of B.S. being spewed by the Sunkist King.  For one thing, Trump blatantly lied about the election results again.  His easily bruised ego and need for justification can't deal with the fact that nearly 3 million more Americans voted for Hillary than for him.  So he repeated the lie he has stuck with since November 9, telling a bi-partisan delegation of congressional leaders that 3-5 million illegals voted for the Democratic nominee.  Needless to say, if even one tenth of one percent of that total was true, congress would have already enacted draconian vote suppressing legislation designed to keep vote fraud at bay.  The NYT headline this morning uses the word "lie" to describe the allegation.  I would imagine I could blog about Trump lies every day for the next 4 years, but I think outrage exhaustion will settle in quickly, so I think I will limit the liar blogs to the most egregious outbursts from Cheeto Jesus.  Hopefully the national media will keep the pressure for truth on this administration.  Otherwise, the Wonderland of "alternate facts" will quickly destroy the ability to hold the Trumpkins accountable for their crimes and misdemeanors.

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