Wednesday, January 25, 2017

The exhaustion of outrage

Another day, another body blow to those of us who believe in an inclusive, generous America.  We will find out today where and when the "big beautiful wall" between the US and our southern neighbor will start being built.  A 2006 law gives this administration the power to direct the build out.  However, congress will have to approve the funds to build it, as I don't see the possibility of Mexico paying for it.  Having installed his pro torture nominee to head the CIA, Trump will continue to push his vote suppressing choice for DOJ as well as his EPA suing nominee to head that agency.  The EPA and many other agencies have been hit with gag orders from the incoming administration instructing them to cease communication with the public.  This is not merely a lack of transparency.  This is stonewalling our right to know what our government is doing or not doing in the public's name.    Meanwhile, activists who organized the Women's March protests are gearing up for the long haul to fight these serial outrages.  I hope will not become inured to the caustic assaults on democracy by Trump and his shills.

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