Monday, January 30, 2017

Small minds

Having managed to restrict immigration almost as a celebration of the yahoo side of the American experience, administration shills appeared on the Sunday political shows to double down on the latest Trumpian outrage.  It seems that not mentioning Jews as prime victims of the Holocaust is somehow an "inclusive" gesture by Cheeto Jesus and his henchmen.  That nearly 6 million Jews perished during WW2 seems to be something the alt right members of the administration would like us all to forget.  We need to get on with the program.  In this case, that means hating on Muslims from a highly select group of countries which conveniently does not include the countries whose citizens perpetrated 9/11.  I guess we can't piss off Saudi Arabia or the United Arab Emirates.  The theory in some quarters is the Trump "brain trust" is pushing this selective ban in an effort to generate maximum outrage among liberals, thus tying them to RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM and providing the administration with a political victory.   Possibly, they even hope that by piling outrage on top of outrage they may exhaust opponents before the main event begins.  I think they are wrong on both counts. 

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