Friday, January 27, 2017

Head exploding week

My head can barely contain the contradictions and absolute bizarre pronouncements emanating from the administration of the Sunkist King.   Mass resignations/firings at the state department, announcement of a 20% tax on all goods from Mexico to "pay for the wall", the rumor that sanctions on Russia will be lifted unilaterally with no negotiation and finally, the Mexican president cancelling a meeting with Trump after being disrespected on the international stage.  From "no drama Obama" to this in just the first week of the presidency is beyond strange.  Meanwhile, investigations of Russian influence on the recent elections are popping up and continuing.  Yesterday came news of Russia "disappearing" one of their intelligence service's cyber warfare experts perhaps on suspicion he was the US mole in their works.  This happened in early December and the implication is the possibility Trump's intelligence briefings may have included this guy's name!   It is going to be a long and very interesting 4 years, if the tangerine nightmare lasts that long.  I think there is better than even money President Mike Pence will be running for election in 2020.

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