Friday, January 13, 2017

Uneducated and proud of it

A recent study showed that 45% of Democrats and 59% of Republicans don't know that Obamacare has given access to health insurance to at least 20 million of their fellow citizens.  Where have these people been living for the past seven years?  I realize that many of my fellow Americans are either apolitical or live in the fantasy bubble of Faux News, but this level of policy ignorance strains credulity.  Certainly the major media networks and newspapers have published the progress of the ACA, showing the reduction in the rate of health care spending and the increase access to health care.  Unfortunately, the "Tea Party" deflected much of the good news with their transparently racist appeal to working class whites to protest against "Those people" getting better health care than hard working 'Murcans.  Ironically, many whites who got coverage through the Obamacare exchanges in states like Kentucky don't realize the ACA made this possible and the immediate effect of repeal will result in their loss of care.  This is one of the reasons I think the wonks who feel Republicans will pay a price for repeal of the health care law are wrong.  Many if not most of the real people on the losing end of this folly will either blame Democrats or celebrate their fellow Americans loss on the basis of their skin color.  Either Black or White, these millions of people have virtually no political power and can safely be ignored by the GOP.  The only hope is for Cheeto Jesus to live up to his promise to replace the health care law with something better.  I'm buying lottery tickets this weekend.

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