Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Stupid or Soulless

It is seemingly a minor quibble. Are the administration's firing of the acting attorney general stupid or just a gambit in a much larger game with consequences many of us still can't conceive.  While Trump is not a moron, despite all appearances to the contrary, he is surrounded by many people who are much smarter.  These people, especially Steve Bannon are playing a long game with the climax an all out war between Christianity and Islam.  Like the crusaders of the Middle Ages, these latter day warriors believe there are irrevocable differences between the two major world religions and a battle to the death is the inexorable result.  Bannon and company tolerate the racist, misogynist alt right because they represent cannon fodder and shock troops.   The real game for these Osama bin Ladens of the Christian right is the ultimate confrontation with the "real" enemy.  Meanwhile, the rest of us scramble to condemn the firing Ms. Yates.  Sure, it would have been easier for Trump to have just waited until Jefferson Baureguard Sessions was confirmed at attorney general, but the creation of casual chaos is a feature, not a bug in this administration.  I believe many people realize our democracy hangs in the balance, but we all need to start acting that way.

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