Friday, January 6, 2017

Here Come the Russians

As a kid, I remember the movie "The Russians are Coming", with Alan Arkin.   As I remember, he played a bumbling commander of a Russian submarine crew stranded off the American coast.  The plot was mostly about the crew's misadventures and their interaction with the Americans they encountered, all in a comic vein, albeit with a slightly hysterical take on the American subconscious.  A remake of the same movie today would have to be a much darker comedy or a downright sinister tale of American bumbling and Russian interference in our affairs.  The Senate hearings on Russian hacking of the recent elections were a revelation and I'm sure the classified portion was even more alarming.  Meanwhile, according to the Washington Post, they partied in the Kremlin when the popular vote loser was declared the winner of the Presidency.  Putin got his useful idiot installed as the supposedly most powerful person in the world.  Who will be pulling the strings that make The Donald dance?  I think we need the answer to that and other troubling questions.

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