Tuesday, January 17, 2017

the non inauguration

Despite the decision by the national media to cover the inauguration of Cheeto Jesus like it was a normal Presidential oath taking as opposed to the attempted legitimization of an historically unqualified and unpopular pretender, many Americans are expressing their discontent in various ways.  Virtually no A list celebrities or show business acts will be appearing/performing at the inaugural "festivities".  Even those that are committed, such as the Rockettes and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir have had dissention among their members.  For the rest, it will be state and county fair headliners doing the bulk of the entertainment.  Even a Bruce Springsteen cover band was convinced to pull out of a commitment to perform for  a New Jersey inaugural ball.  Maybe Chris Christie can sub for them.  He certainly knows all the lyrics!  More than 30 representatives and senators will be boycotting the event.  That number is likely to grow as more liberal reps are overwhelmed by constituents demanding they stand with John Lewis.  I refuse to watch Putin's Poodle take the oath of office and then proceed to amuse his fellow countrymen with a pack of lies.  Believe it or not, NPR is offering a live fact check of the inaugural address!  I will watch the coverage of the demonstrations taking place on January 21 in D.C and around the country.  We cannot afford to offer any cover for what will be the most corrupt administration of modern times.  Vive la resistance.

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