Monday, January 16, 2017

Delegitimizing Trump

Civil Rights icon John Lewis took the first step to delegitimize the president elect.  When the man who put his body on the line in Selma during the march to Birmingham to protest Jim Crow says the election of Donald Trump was an illegal act, many people sat up and took notice.  Of course, Trump took to twitter to denounce Lewis and suggested he work for his district instead of criticizing his betters.  As I have said before, if the election had turned the other way and Trump had won the popular vote, there would be battalions of pitchfork wielding lawyers on the steps of the capitol demanding the congress overturn the results.  The fact that so far only Mr. Lewis has made the case this is a fundamentally flawed election which will lead to a rollback of much progressive legislation is a sad critique of the Democratic party.

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