Wednesday, January 4, 2017

New Year's first thoughts

My first new year's resolution is  to try to ignore the tweets of Cheeto Jesus and concentrate on the actual policies his administration is implementing.  Unfortunately, it seems the MSM can't see the forest for the trees and keeps chasing the shiny objects Trump keeps throwing out.  No, people, house republicans did not reverse course and stop themselves from gutting the ethics office.  They merely put it off until the furor dies down.  No, Ford did not cancel a plant in Mexico due to pressure from the incoming administration.  Sales of the company's small cars are tanking due to low fuel prices, so the new plant has been shelved.  No new jobs in the US.  Executives of US companies feel obliged to suck up to The Donald on the off chance he may direct his follower's ire in their direction.    I have a feeling most of the media will not realize they are still being played until it is time for the next election, if then. 

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