Thursday, January 5, 2017

The new racism

As the election post mortems continue, it is becoming more and more obvious that the simplest explanation is the most correct.   Many white Americans are racist and sexist and are willing to vote for someone who promises to reverse the multicultural society we are becoming and somehow restore white supremacy.  What about all the white voters who voted for Obama, but not Clinton?  As Jamaal Bouie at Slate explains it, when the choice is between a bog standard republican such as John McCain or the plutocrat Mitt Romney, they could vote for a black man who championed the interests of the bottom 99%.  When, however, Donald Trump promised the return of the halcyon days of the 1940s and 50s when white men were the bosses and women and niggers knew their places they were able to switch to the GOP.  Of course, outside of Breitbart fans and the KKK, these rural white voters would never admit the validity of the proposition, but a new study which teases out the racism and sexism factors shows that those were decisive at both conscious and unconscious levels in many white voters.  As long as the democrats remain the multiracial party, they will have to deal with the possibility that republicans will from now on become more explicit in their appeals to the dark side of their base. 

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