Friday, December 30, 2016

Wishes for 2017

Aside from a few familial milestones, the birth of Wyatt Daniel Rock being foremost among them, 2016 was a lousy year.  From the death of cultural icons like David Bowie and Prince to the election of an unqualified buffoon to the presidency of the United States there were few bright spots in the wider world.  Britons rejected multiculturalism and voted to retreat from European engagement.  Russian meddling in world affairs became more aggressive and blatant.  The Chinese tiger began to roar.  America continued to recover from the 2008 economic meltdown, but income inequality and stagnant middle class wages encouraged many voters to blow up the status quo, symbolized by the election of Trump.  The list goes on, but at least we will turn the page at midnight tomorrow.  I have always looked at the start of a new year as a chance to maybe get things a little closer to perfection.  I hope most of the 7 billion people who share starship earth feel the same way.  Happy New Year to all and best wishes for a safe and joyful year.

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