Monday, December 19, 2016

Mourning in America

Today it becomes official.  The electoral college will confirm the victory of a psychopathic liar, serial groping misogynist and uncurious citizen to the highest office in the land.  Many people including the Divine Mrs. M are hoping for a collective gasp of recognition by the electors of the horror they are about to bestow on a supine nation.  Unfortunately, I don't share that hope.  After seeing over 60 million of my fellow Americans vote for a caricature of a human being for President, I have no  expectation of the electors reaching a  moral clarity their voters obviously did not.  As Paul Krugman despairingly opined in the NYT today, as with the Roman Republic when it slipped into the dictatorship of Roman Emperors when people put their own or their party's interests ahead of the nation's, the stage is set for despotism.  What many people told us when voting for a moron who claimed "Only I can fix it" is despair that the system can still work for them.  We're about to find out, and I don't think it will be pretty.

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