Thursday, December 29, 2016

The challenge of Trumpian norms

Our president elect emerged from what will probably be known as the Florida White House, Mar-a-Lago, and delivered several word salads to the press yesterday.   He claimed credit for jobs which were announced months ago, conflated the Russian hack of our elections to how difficult computers have made the modern world and finally weighed in on Israel's snit over John Kerry's speech regarding the Jewish settlements on the West Bank, saying that things would be different after Jan. 20.   When Cheeto Jesus said this kind of stuff during the campaign, people would wring their hands and assume this nighmare would be gone after the election or cheer it as some sort of "breath of fresh air" and a rejection of long term norms of political discourse.  Well, we haven't woken from the nightmare, and the fresh air is now revealed as the know nothing bloviation that it so transparently always was.   Expect more of the same when it comes to domestic policy.  One big reason Trump has not called any press conferences is his handlers' fears his deep ignorance of policy will be on display for the world to see.  When the grownups leave 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in January it will become apparent what depths we are about to plumb.   The challenge we will all face is how to deal with the reality of the village idiot becoming mayor.

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