Friday, December 23, 2016

Trump and the twitterkrieg

No press conferences, no traveling pool of reporters and no information regarding his plans, except through twitter.  It sounds ludicrous, but in practice, this strategy of dealing with the media is working brilliantly.  With no other information available, the press is forced to report on and speculate what omens are contained in the 140 character nuggets spewed by the great orange satan.  The US should expand its nuclear war making capacity, the  Boeing company should price out a new version of the F-18 to compete with the F-35 (fighter jets), Trump hotels are great!  This is the sort of inanity presented every day.  The media either deals with it and reports on it or basically has nothing.  If I was the NYT editor, I would tell the president elect we will begin reportage of the new administration when a press conference is held.  Until then, we will report on the conflicts of interest, election hacking by the Russians and the FBI and other news which will tend to de-legitimize the coming administration.  The press is not used to the type of adversarial relationship envisioned by Trump and his spokespeople.  They better be on their game from day one of Trumpmania and treat like it is a knock off of the WWF and WrestleMania, because that is what it will be.

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