Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Let us not forget

The redacted search warrant the FBI used to rifle the laptop of Anthony Weiner before the recent presidential election has been released and according to at least one former federal prosecutor, it basically proves James Comey caused the election of Donald Trump.  In the warrant, the FBI does not show any cause to believe the emails in question had been previously withheld and/or were not duplicates they had previously reviewed.  Therefore there was no reason for Comey to buck the DOJ's longstanding ban of publicizing any investigations within 60 days of an election for fear of influencing the result.  His letter to congress, saying he believed the emails were relevant to and justified reopening the investigation of Hillary's server was just a ploy to release an avalanche of negative press coverage 10 days before the election.  Of course, republicans will say democrats need to get over it and get on with the rolling disaster of a Trump administration.  The simple fact is republicans have stolen 2 of the last 5 presidential elections due to the actions of the Supreme Court in Bush vs. Gore and the FBI in the recently concluded election.  As far as I am concerned everything Trump does for the next 4 years is illegitimate and tainted by Comey's actions. 

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