Monday, December 12, 2016

The Hacked election

Doubling down on whatever lie he is telling in the moment is Donald Trump's signature response to criticism.  Losing the popular vote by nearly 3 million makes him question the very legitimacy of elections.   Claiming a overwhelming electoral college victory is equally egregious.  By less than a hundred thousand votes spread over 3 states is his real margin of victory out of nearly 130,000.000 votes cast.  Now comes the CIA assessment  that Russia hacked into our election to tip the scale in Trump's favor.  Added to the disastrous intervention by the FBI's James Comey, it would seem the Clinton campaign was struggling against several simultaneous assaults from different directions.  Between Comey the hack and the Russian hackers it was enough to tip the election to Trump.  According to Nate Silver, had the election been held the day before the FBI "revelations", there is no doubt Hillary would be staffing her cabinet.  Now we are being treated to the Trump circus and the implication the Russian connection is a "false flag" operation carried out by our government.  It's going to be a long four years.

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