Thursday, December 15, 2016

Now What?

The title is the name of a newly formed political action group out of Saranac Lake.  As the name implies, this is a group in search of identity and a concrete plan of action following the recent elections.   Much as many republicans reacted to President Obama's election in 2008, the progressive community was blindsided by The Donald's election and is flailing in the wilderness.  With more and more reports of foreign interference in our elections along with James Comey's unconscionable letter regarding Hillary's e-mails 10 days before the vote it seems we will be dealing with an historically unpopular president who nonetheless seems bent on governing as if he had a huge mandate.  60 people meeting on a small community college campus in the North Country of New York is a very modest beginning, but it shows people are willing to organize if the danger to our democracy is great enough.  Meanwhile, on the left coast, the governor of California is telling Trump's minions to bring it on.  "We've got plenty of lawyers in California" said Mr. Brown in response to the new administration's picks for EPA, Interior and DOE.  With an economy equal to virtually the combined economies of all the states that voted for Trump, California, New York and other progressive states can act as a counterbalance to federal overreach.  (I thought I would never write that!)  There will be dark days ahead, but the Obama coalition must hang together and turn out in 2018 to regain some of what was lost.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you. Dark days are already starting with things Trump thinks he can do. All about the dollar not the people let's see how the votes turn out in which he needs 60. Doubt he will get them from democratic parties
