Friday, December 9, 2016

Perhaps overly pessimistic

According to a new study, optimistic people are more likely to live longer than their pessimistic peers.  I guess that means a spike in mortality among democrats during the next 4 years.  The study doesn't say anything about haters, but I would imagine Trump voters fit into this category which can't be healthy.  On top of this, a polling company surveyed voters in the aftermath of the Nov. 8 travesty and it would seem Trump voters live in their own information bubble which excludes the rest of us.  While most of the rest of us would love to see Trump's tax returns, 57% of The Donald's partisans think he should never show the rest of us his possible conflicts of interest.  After seeing this poll, you can be sure the PEOTUS will never make this information available.  Likewise, as long as the future administration makes it safe to hate again, you can be sure his partisans will believe any and all of the lies that will continue to flow from the incipient administration.  After all, facts are for losers!

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