Friday, December 9, 2016

outrage exhaustion

While I have begun to consume news again in the wake of the ascent of Trump, I can't take the steady drumbeat of outrage from the left leaning media sites and shows I frequent.  While I agree with most of the commentary, I just can't find the matches to light my hair on fire so often.  (Finding my hair is another problem).   Paul Krugman's columns and blog is a case in point.  I wholeheartedly believe most of what he writes, but the relentless pessimism and the continual blaming of the white working class in a few rust belt states is wearing on me.  Yes, these people are voting against their economic interests, yes, there is more than a whiff of racism to their complaints and after 8 years of a black man, a white woman was a bridge too far for many men in the working and middle classes.  I get all of this, but outrage is exhausting when it is continuous.

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