Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Solstice musings

The Winter Solstice will occur tomorrow, marking the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere.  To a Christian nation obsessed with Christmas, most of us don't give thought to the celebrations our pre-Christian ancestors used to mark the waning of the old year.  From the Greeks celebrating the liberation of Persephone from Hades to the Druids and their sacrifices to the gods to propitiate the beginning of longer days leading to spring planting, humans have made this astronomical observance a touchstone.  Even Christianity appropriated the Roman holiday of Saturnalia and substituted the birthday of the savior with appropriate ceremony.  I guess the celebration of the virgin birth of god was insufficient to supplant the pagan rituals so many celebrated, so gift giving was added to the Christmas tradition.  Now it is so turbocharged that Romans would feel right at home in 21st century America.   It will be interesting to see if anything in our  multicultural society is able to eclipse our late December orgy of eating and gift giving.  I have a feeling that Christmas in one form or another is here to stay.  Pass the eggnog and add another string of lights to the Nativity scene...

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