Tuesday, December 6, 2016

A sad spectacle

As the Trump transition team announces more potential hires, the picture of an actual Trump administration becomes clearer.  It won't be pretty.  As an authoritarian type, the president elect seems to have a fetish for retired generals.  Michael Flynn, his pick for NSA chief buys into every nutty conspiracy theory, including the supposed child sex ring Hillary was running out of a pizza place in D.C.  That turned out well as an unstable idiot from North Carolina toting an assault rifle took a shot in the restaurant as he was "self investigating" the rumor.  Meanwhile, Flynn is supposed to bring actionable intelligence to the Oval Office!   Another general, "Mad Dog"  Mattis is being nominated for Secretary of Defense, and yet another, David Petraeus, who lost his last gig at the CIA for leaking classified documents to his lover is on the short list for Sec. of State.  Oh, and Ben Carson, whose nutty pronouncements were too much for even the rabid base of the GOP is being nominated for HUD Secretary, mainly on the basis of his being the correct color to correspond with the Urban part of the HUD!   So, this is the way our country will be governed under The Donald.  I guess it proves the theory of American exceptionalism...

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