Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Falling Dominos

The revelations of Russian interference in America's elections keep coming and they get more serious with each passing day.  Actual collusion between Russian intelligence and the Trump campaign has not yet been proven, but I'm betting it's only a matter of time.  Would such collusion be treason?  It's an open question.  What we know so far is Russian agents hacked the Democratic National Committee, The Clinton campaign servers and various democratic operatives e-mails.  This information  was shared with republican campaigns around the country.  The republicans used this material, sometimes very successfully against their opposition.  Meanwhile, the media reported the ongoing operation as if it was business as usual.  It wasn't.  A hostile foreign government intervened directly in the most sacred ritual of a modern democracy to elect its favored candidate.   By all accounts it succeeded, albeit with a little help from the FBI and a media mesmerized by Hillary's e-mail server.  I'm betting the whole episode will be swept into a memory hole by the republican majority in Congress.  The alternative would probably be the impeachment of a newly elected president and the prompt return of the GOP to the political wilderness.  Such an act would require the political courage neither party has shown in recent years. 

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