Monday, June 20, 2016

Weekend garden update

Garlic scapes are in as well as strawberries.  I picked 5 quarts of berries from a bed of Sparkle variety during the course of the weekend.  I brought a couple to the Farmer's Market and we had the balance as part of Father's Day dinner last evening.  I planted basil, cilantro, dill, carrots and corn after a nice shower on Friday night settled the dust and got everything growing again.  What a change from last year!  The weather was dry and warm on Saturday and Sunday, so weed killing was in vogue also.  Most of the garden is reasonably weed free and aside from some rabbit damage on young lettuce transplants everything looks good for now.  Unfortunately, the grass keeps demanding attention, so I'll be putting on my greenskeepers hat each night this week.

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