Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Poisonous Political Culture

Despite outrageous statements, total lack of campaign organization and continuing to double down on his misogynistic, religious and racial bigotry it is amazing that Donald Trump is still taken seriously as a candidate for the presidency.  Yet even with all his troubles, culminating yesterday with the sacking of his campaign manager, the shame of New York is still drawing 39% of the vote in some polls.  Who are these people and what are they thinking?  I realize we are living in a polarized era where party identification is very strong, but, really, how to justify supporting a narcissist, who usually spends most of his speeches citing other people praising him.  Hillary may be no angel, and she is not nearly as bad as 30 years of mud slinging would make her appear, but comparing her unfavorably to Trump is a fool's errand. 

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