Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Rain Post

We received a little less than an inch of needed rain yesterday as well as a little hail, so I checked the garden as the sun came up this morning and was heartened when I saw very little damage.  A few cut leaves here and there, but the damage was outweighed by the moisture.  The soil was so dry before the rain that it was all absorbed.  Another tenth or two is predicted for later today, and even that will be welcome.  Common gardening wisdom is crops require an inch of rain per week during the summer months, but on my soils it is more like an inch every two weeks, so I should be good until nearly the middle of July.   The first cauliflower should be ready this weekend as well as some nappa cabbage.  Of course, the flip side of this bountiful rain is the incipient weed invasion which will be well underway by the weekend.  Ugh.

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