Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Speaker Ryan is Trumped...again

Say what you will about Hillary.  There is no "scandal" associated with her that hasn't seen the light of day thanks to untiring efforts by generations of republicans.  Unless they start mining the front page of the National Enquirer for her recent lesbian dalliance with space aliens, there is nothing the GOP can do except recycle stories with equally hazy provenance.  Not so for the democrats.  The Donald looks like a gift that will keep on giving.  Aside from his continuing racist rants against the judge in the Trump U case,  they now have plausible evidence of a quid pro quo tying contributions to the attorneys general of Florida and Texas to dismissal of investigations of the aforementioned "University".   Meanwhile Trump has been caught on tape saying he makes contributions to politicians because he expects favors in return.    As the press begins its long delayed vetting of the republican nominee, expect a steady stream of this kind of corruption to spread through the party.  Meanwhile, Paul Ryan managed to make his long delayed approval of Trump, the candidate, the day before the storm over the racist slander of the judge in the Trump University litigation broke.  Now he has to deal with the looming bribery allegations against Pam Bondi and Greg Abbott.  What a pity!

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