Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Lowering the bar

There are still 5 months to go before the election and The Donald has managed to lower the bar of reality further than ever.  At this rate, you'll have to be a champion limbo dancer to listen to Trump's speeches by September.  In his latest, he implies that the President is somehow an agent of "radical Islamic terrorism" because he won't use Trump's pet phrase to describe the tragedy in Orlando.  Also, he renewed his call for a ban on all Muslims entering the country.  This, after the shooter was identified as a US citizen born in the same borough in NYC as Donald Trump.   The stupidity implicit in such verbal vomit is unlikely to register with the 20-30% of voters who identify with the authoritarian policies Trump would likely initiate if elected.  It would seem many of our fellow citizens will be happy to allow the abrogation of many of our most cherished rights if a "strong" candidate requires the sacrifice.  By banning the Washington Post from his campaign events because he doesn't like their coverage, the presumptive republican nominee has shown his disdain for the 1st amendment.  In the Trump universe, it would seem the only inviolate article of the Bill of Rights is the 2nd Amendment.

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