Monday, June 13, 2016

The Weekend of Our Discontent

Discontent is not a strong enough word for what occurred over the weekend.  The shocking carnage at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida was a tragedy of immense proportions and deserves the attention and mourning of the nation.  Unfortunately, what appears to be a hate crime will now be dressed up as an instance of "radical Islamic terrorism" and the 50 dead people and 53 injured by a madman will be reduced to straw men and burned by both the left and right as they ride the hobby horses of gun control and terrorism to inflame their bases.  To be fair, the president and the presumptive Democratic nominee have condemned the act and lamented the ease with which the gunman obtained what many would qualify as weapons of mass destruction, while the republican nominee bragged about how right he was that Islamic terrorism is a thing and Muslims must be banned from entering the US.  This is meme which this loathsome individual will continue to use each time someone of the Islamic faith kills anyone.  This, while professing to be a "unifier".   Meanwhile, it is up to the rest of us to mourn the lives cut short by an obvious madman.   The windy, cool weather was the perfect accompaniment to this tragedy, amplifying the somber nature of the shooting.

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