Friday, June 10, 2016

They are at the starting line!

The media pundits are practically wetting themselves with anticipation.  The Democratic and Republican parties have picked their candidates and the horse race is about to begin.  For most of the talking heads, it means the next six months will include many extra paydays as they get to appear on cable news multiple days each week to expound their latest theory on the changing polls and strategies the candidates are employing.  This time around, they may have to stretch to keep viewer interest.  With President Obama's endorsement, Elizabeth Warren's blistering attacks on Trump and the historic nature of Hillary's candidacy, The Donald will likely be buried by the time the party conventions confirm the candidates.  Bernie will also be on the stump exhorting the Bernie Bros and their republican cousins to vote for the best progressive they will get this cycle.  Meanwhile, with no coherent message, no campaign and very little fundraising, Trump looks dead in the water.  But, no matter, even good liberals like Rachel Maddow will flog these horses to the finish line in November.

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