Wednesday, June 1, 2016


If you consume any type of media at all for more than a few minutes per day, you are now living in Trumpworld.  Screenshots of empty podiums pre-empt real time speeches from other politicians as the media breathlessly awaits the next pronouncements from The Donald.  Even when he calls a press conference to chastise the media, the courts or anyone who contradicts his preferred narrative the reporters listen to and comment on the proceedings.  After calling one reporter "a sleaze", you would have thought the appropriate reaction would have been the entire press contingent getting up and leaving the room.  You would have been wrong.  Instead they dutifully listened to the rest of the tantrum and seemingly begged for more.  On the execrable Morning Joe, the consensus was this was just Donald being Donald.  Nothing to see here.  That Trump has basically turned the media into his lapdog is a given.  Where do we go from here?

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