Monday, June 27, 2016

Dry and warm

The difference between this year's garden and last year's were in stark relief over the weekend.  From dawn Saturday until dusk on Sunday the sun held sway and temperatures never dipped below 65 degrees.  I pressed the Divine Mrs. M into service to water tomato, cucumber and melon transplants.  Areas of the secret garden which resembled a fetid swamp last year are dusty dry and for the most part, the weed population is greatly reduced.  The forecast is for showers and thunder today and tomorrow, but as contrary as the weather has been so far, I am not counting on help from the skies.  We will keep watering and hoping.  The silver lining is the lawns have dried up except for a few hardy weeds.  That will reduce mowing chores.  Meanwhile the roster of crops keeps increasing.  The asparagus is starting to play out, but strawberries, peas, beets and chard are coming on.  Cabbage will be ready next week and the second planting of lettuce will be ready if the rabbits give it a break.  The summer squash needs a shower to start producing and the potatoes are flowering.  Most of the garlic has been scaped and we are in the final countdown to harvest late next month.   All in all, there is very little to complain about on the gardening front.

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