Wednesday, June 8, 2016

One for the ladies

As I looked at my granddaughter, Hannah, last night, it occurred to me she might grow up to be president some day.   Of course to me she is the most beautiful, brightest and most talented little girl ever.  That wouldn't have been  enough to enable her to run for the presidency.  Until now.  Last night, on her second try, Hillary Clinton broke through the glass ceiling and is now the presumptive nominee of the Democratic party for President of the United States.   As a liberal and progressive, I have had my differences with Hillary, but if there was going to be a female candidate for the world's most powerful office, she is clearly the most qualified.  Regardless of the outcome of the election, Hannah's future and that of millions of other little girls has forever been changed by the grit and determination of a woman who would not be denied.  Good on you Hillary Clinton.

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