Thursday, June 2, 2016

The Ties That Bind

While the media endures endless insults at the (rather small) hands of The Donald it is interesting to speculate when they may start asking him about some of his business dealings with various New York mobsters when he began his career.  David Cay Johnston, who has reported on Trump's relationships with Fat Tony Castellano and other crime families says Trump paid far above market value for the concrete used to build Trump Tower and other apartment buildings during the 1980s.  He considered it the price to be paid for labor peace.  There is evidence he met with various members of New York mob families during that period.  Imagine if right wing media found out Bill Clinton or Hillary had similar meetings?   The Congressional investigations would make Benghazi pale.  So far, Trump University is the focus of nascent media investigation.  I would speculate that is only the tip of a huge iceberg that even climate change can't melt in time to save The Donald.

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