Friday, July 17, 2015

Wages and the new liberalism

Paul Krugman in the NYT this morning sticks it to the conventional wisdom once again.  Most conservatives believe as Scott Walker does that raising the minimum wage is a "lame" idea.  His idea of economic growth is to produce millions of jobs so each of us can have 2 or 3 of them.   Instead, as Krugman points out quite cogently, there is plenty of evidence backed up by scientific studies showing that an increase in the minimum wage does not result in the loss of jobs.  Quite the opposite, as those toiling at the low end of the spectrum usually spend almost all of any increase in wages on more goods and services.  This activity produces greater economic good than cutting taxes on the "job creators", because most of these people put their extra money into long term investments which produce little short term stimulus.   Thus the Costco model of paying their employees substantially more than the minimum wage with benefits results in a work  force with higher morale, lower turnover and increased productivity.  Contrast that with the Walmart program of paying lower wages with zombie morale, high turnover and employee pilferage.  Hillary, Bernie and the other Dems competing for the Presidential nomination are all in favor of increasing the minimum wage.  This will in turn put pressure on employers to raise middle income wages also.  What's not to like about this program, unless you are a diehard member of the 1%.  But don't worry billionaires, Scott Walker and Jeb "Americans need to work more hours" Bush have your back.

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