Friday, July 10, 2015

Symbols matter

As much as the non-stop coverage of the lowering of the Confederate battle flag from the grounds of the South Carolina statehouse has seemed over the top, it is a big deal.   Of course, the liberal wing of the media has spent far more time than Faux News and their ilk has on the story, but the symbolism of the flag in question means far more than many think.  It is an avatar of the old south which has refused to be integrated into the mainstream of American life and culture.  Even though the new South, represented by Atlanta, Miami, Dallas and the shiny cities dotting the old Confederacy tries to shed the bigotry and suppression of minorities, there is a feeling among many in the vast countryside that Appomattox never happened and "The South will rise again".  Some of these idiots would reinstitute slavery, or at least segregation if they could.  The many rural southerners serving in the armed forces have proudly waved the stars and bars over the years, sparking conflicts with blacks in the military.  Until the last vestiges of the South's treason are put to rest and the people buy into the notion we are one country with shared values including toleration and respect for all races and beliefs, there will be martyrs and funerals.   Unfortunately, as was made clear by the 21 year old who killed nine people for the sake of a discredited flag, the healing of America will not happen when the older generation dies.  The hate they continue to pass on to their descendants must be countered with truth and compassion.

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