Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Scapegoats and political fallout

Governor Cuomo has decided to make a political show after the apprehension of escapees Richard Matt and David Sweat.  A dozen high officials in the prison are on administrative leave and most of them will either retire or take demotions and disciplinary actions.  I think Cuomo is using the breakout as a pretext for long overdue reforms throughout the system.   The necessary changes have been resisted by the unions representing guards and employees as well as the superintendents and other prison officials.  The bloating of our prisons and the subsequent bureaucratic waste is a problem in need of solutions.  It will be interesting to see if Cuomo can successfully attack the entrenched interests which continue to stymie common sense reforms.  The deeper question, whether all these incarcerations are necessary or desirable will probably have to wait for another day.  After all, Matt and Sweat are the poster children for a system of punishment for egregious crimes.  The horrifying odessey of a Bronx youth who was imprisoned on Riker's Island for 3 years without ever facing charges is the opposite face of that coin.  The Governor's political courage would be severely tested if he tackles this much more urgent problem.

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