Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Gardening delights

It happens so rarely I am shocked when it does.   I got home last night and plunged into an orgy of planting and transplanting.  Lettuce, cabbage, beets and cilantro went in as I fed the hordes of hungry mosquitoes as dusk descended.  The soil was the perfect chocolate cake texture except at the very end of the beds where it still felt more like pudding.  As I finished, I didn't want to water everything while slapping myself silly to deter the areal attack, so I put it off until this morning.  Imagine my surprise to discover it rained about 3/10s of an inch during the night.  Just the perfect amount to water the transplants and get the seeds going.  As I said, it only happens once in a blue moon, so I am still savoring the experience.

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