Thursday, July 30, 2015


The Divine Mrs. M and I attended one of the meetings for Bernie Sanders last night and it was pretty awesome.   A good number of people were our age and older, but there were couples with young children and young adults also.  After a musical interlude by  a local band, the senator addressed us via conference call with a plea to organize.  Stating we don't have billions of dollars, but we do have millions of hands with which to make calls, knock on doors and spread the word.   No one will ever mistake Bernie Sanders for Abe Lincoln as far is oratory is concerned, but his message seems to resonate with people across the political spectrum.  Despite Hillary's huge lead in the polls, Sanders is drawing closer and more importantly making Hillary move to the left on many important issues.  The only jarring note was an overheard conversation between two guys helping direct traffic.   One of them said if Bernie didn't get the nomination, he wouldn't vote for Hillary.  That is so wrong on so many levels.  I hope the race doesn't hurt the eventual nominee, as either would be a good president.  The appointments to the Supreme court alone should be more than enough to bring out every democrat for the general election. 

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