Monday, July 6, 2015

This and That

More rain again during the 4th of July celebrations.  The 1/4 inch we received seemed like 2 inches in effect, rendering the garden too wet for virtually any interactions.   I was able to plant some lettuce and cabbage in the front garden on Sunday, but the back 40 remained wet and with more rain predicted tomorrow and Wednesday it is liable to remain that way.  It looks like most corn in the North Country will be harvested as silage, since it is mostly stunted and yellow due to the unceasing wet weather.
    The USA women's team won the World Cup in decisive fashion over Japan, hopefully inspiring a new generation of girls and their mothers and fathers to make the sacrifices necessary to remain a factor on the world stage.  As much as I decry the jingoistic nature of the chant, "USA, USA....."  Go ladies.
    The Greeks thumbed their noses at the European community's prescription for fiscal stability, namely, "The beatings will continue until morale improves".   Maybe the Germans, the Dutch and other northern countries will realize the folly of forcing the Greek economy to contract while expecting it to miraculously make punishing debt payments on time.  Both sides have a chance to make important decisions over the next few weeks.  Let's hope cooler heads prevail on both sides.
     The Divine Mrs. M and the Northern Adirondack Vocal Ensemble gave their Summer Concert as part of an inspiring program with the Lake Placid Sinfonetta and it was another triumph.  As I always say, she's not getting older, only better!

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